Working with Users

Managing Users



To edit a user’s profile (including their contact details, password, enrollments, and level of access), navigate to your user list by clicking Users on the sidebar and clicking Manage Users.



On this page, you can see all your users. Notice your seat count in the top right corner. This shows you how many more users can be created in your current account.



To edit a user, click on their name.



On the editing page that appears, there are four tabs that contain user settings. More information about each tab is found below.






Profile Tab

This tab contains profile information for the user.


Membership Tab

This tab allows you to see the level of access that the user has for each organization. 


Enrollments Tab

Under the Enrollments tab we can view the list of courses that a user can access, as well as adjust which courses a user can or cannot access. 


Roles and Authorization Tab

The Roles and Authorization tab allows you to grant higher levels of access to a user (making them an administrator, for example). 



Changing a User’s Profile Information

To edit a user’s profile (including their contact details, password, enrollments, and level of access), navigate to your user list by clicking Users on the sidebar and clicking Manage Users.

On the user list, click on the user you want to edit. Make sure you are under the Profile tab.

Here is an overview of the options on this page:

·      User Details: This section contains the basic user information plus any custom user fields you may have added.

·      Change Password: You can generate a random password by simply clicking Save in this field. You can choose the password by entering a password manually, confirming it, and clicking Save.

·      Statistics: This area lets you know how many times this user has logged in as well as the last login date and time.




How to Manage a User’s Organization Memberships


To manage a user’s organization memberships, click on the Memberships tab on the Manage Users page.


(The Manage Users page can be accessed by clicking Users then Manage Users from the sidebar).


The user’s organization memberships and roles (if any) will be listed on the page that opens. You can remove the user’s access to an organization by clicking Remove next to their name.



You can add a user to an organization by clicking Join an organization. Then find the organization on the list that appears and click Join.



Note: A role such as administrator or content creator can be assigned before the user is added to the organization by clicking on one of the role options beside the organization name.



About znanja’s Roles and Authorizations

To manage the roles and authorization of a user, click on the Roles and Authorization tab on the Manage Users page (which can be accessed by clicking Users, then Manage Users).


Two types of roles can be assigned: organizational roles and course roles.

Organizational roles define what a user can access and change in the organization. An organizational role, when applied to a user, is applicable throughout the entire LMS.

·      Administrator: An Administrator has full access to the znanja LMS, including creating and modifying users and groups, creating and editing courses, and viewing and modifying all settings. 

·      Instructional Designer: An Instructional Designer can create new courses and can edit any other courses in the organization. They can also access reporting information for all courses. They cannot access any settings for the organization.

·      Content Creator: A Content Creator can create new courses and edit or report on their own courses (not courses created by other users). They cannot access any settings for the organization.

Course roles are assigned on a per-course basis and give a user certain permissions within specific courses.

·      Editor: An editor can edit the content of the assigned course.


·      Instructor: An instructor can edit the content of the assigned course and can also manage user access and view reports for the students enrolled in that course.